We are a consulting firm that focuses on medical record analysis and case strategy. We serve any case with a medical component from criminal to malpractice.

Combining 25 years of military tactical experience with medical knowledge to help you win your case!!!!

“Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory.

Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” - Sun Tzu


Legal Nurse Consulting, LLC

Passion. Experience. Diligence.

Let our team of legal nurse experts help you gain the tactics for a winning strategy. Our nurses have a wide range of experiences and professional backgrounds to help with any medical case. If we don’t have the specialty you need, we are aligned with other teams of legal nurse consultants to serve your needs. All of our services are backed with a risk-free guarantee. Contact us today, and we can show you why you need us on your legal team!


The real star was our LNC Jessica Shaffer. Never before have I seen such magic. Making 4,000+ pages of various medical records spanning years so useful and condensed allowed us to sharply focus on what mattered. She tipped the scales so we could advocate in court.

❌🤦‍♂️Not hiring Jessica
✅ 😁Hiring Jessica

I’ll be blunt: she adds real value 💰 to cases and makes handling a complex med mal case easy. Plus, she’s a delight to work with. She basically allows you to see around corners.

I know because her efforts are directly related to the recent $7 Million med mal verdict we got our clients in NY. I used her materials to prep, and her insights every day of a 2 week trial. That outcome doesn’t happen without her—plain and simple. She frees trial lawyers up to truly advocate and not get bogged down in the medicine.

Whereever you are, and whatever stage your case is (presuit screening or verge of trial), consider hiring her. If you decide not to, you’re doing so at a tremendous cost.


-Jordan Redavid, Esq.

Jessica Shaffer’s input and reports have been invaluable to our firm. Not only does she provide succinct and easy to understand medical opinions, but her custom reports often lead to more thorough legal theories, pointed discovery, and increased case values. Her years of experience in the field allow her to provide insight into illusive policies, procedures, and regulations that serve as a basis for rule-based arguments. Nurse Shaffer also excels at medical chronologies, which have reduced voluminous and complex medical treatment to a few easy to digest indexed pages. Despite not having a legal background, Nurse Shaffer shows impressive legal instincts resulting in her going above and beyond stated objectives and have greatly benefitted our firm in case selection. For the aforementioned reasons, consulting with Nurse Shaffer on malpractice and complex injury cases has become a consistent and integral part of our firm’s case management process.

-Satisfied Client

I am a trial attorney in Chicago. My office has a heavy volume of injury and litigation cases. I contacted Jessica Shaffer, RN at Tactical Legal Nurse Consulting when I was up against deadlines for filing expert reports with the court in our jurisdiction. The case we needed the expert reports for was a medical negligence case. The family (our clients) wanted a competent and efficient investigation of the medical care regarding the death of their loved one. Our office hired TLC for the job. I was impressed with TLC’s professionalism and ability to summarize the complex medical care in a way for everyone to understand. TLC was also great at helping us locate competent professionals in the medical field to analyze our case.

- Satisfied Client